
Strategic Plan

KidsAbility’s journey toward a brighter future can only happen with a strong strategic direction. We’ve got some big ideas.

We value and embrace innovation; we are continually evolving our approaches so we may serve with purpose and value.

  • Listen carefully to learn what families need, to help guide decision making
  • Continue to evolve our approaches so we can achieve service excellence
  • Be positioned to provide excellent services in-person and digitally with a focus on best practices
  • Nurture bold, solution-focused possibilities so that every resource is leveraged for the benefit of our people

We see diversity as a pathway to strength and equity, so we actively seek it out in all aspects of our work.

  • Include the diversity of our communities in the clients we serve
  • Increase the diversity of our staff and Board to provide authentic insights to inform our practices and include our communities
  • Connect creatively with unexpected partners to get things done

We are committed to providing a supportive and positive experience for all who journey with us.

  • Elevate families’ experience so they feel well-supported from their first point of contact
  • Prioritize timely service
  • Ensure youth have a place and a voice at KidsAbility
  • Deliver excellent outcomes in our areas of expertise while ensuring smooth transitions to other partners as required

We believe KidsAbility must be accessible to everyone who needs us, so we will remove barriers to services and supports that get in the way.

  • Continuously identify and anticipate barriers to access across multiple dimensions of our clients’ lives
  • Adapt our service offerings to fulfill our mission
  • Sit at key collaborative tables to improve system-wide access to the services our clients need

KidsAbility believes in fostering strength in every individual we serve, ensuring that each person can tap into their full potential.

  • Identify and anticipate barriers to strength-building.
  • Adapt services to meet individual needs.
  • Collaborate to improve access to resources and support.