After an MRI revealed the need for immediate surgery at birth, KidsAbility was there for the journey ahead.
Molly may be non-verbal, but that doesn’t stop this spirited seven-year-old from expressing herself. When she is looking for her mom’s attention, her eyes and technology do the talking for her.
With the help of her Augmentative Communication Services team, she transforms eye movements into words through a digital tablet attached to her wheelchair. Her device empowers her to form whole sentences and ensure her voice is always heard – especially for things like an after-school snack.
“From the very beginning, KidsAbility therapists understood our family journey. They met Molly’s physical needs, but they also met my emotional needs as a parent. They gave me hope, reminding me that what I’m going through isn’t at all unique to them.”
Fran, Molly’s mom
Thanks to donors like you, families like Molly’s are strengthened to achieve goals that are important to them.
Today, with a library of words for her to choose from, Molly’s growing confidence every day at home, at school and in the community. She loves swimming and her face lights up at the mention of horseback riding which builds her core muscle strength.
And Fran’s dream? For Molly to experience life with as much zeal as her older brother. With KidsAbility by their side, Fran is confident it’s a goal they can work to achieve.